Friday, September 26, 2008

Acme Rocks the Burner!

Acme Bike Shuttle's owner/driver Kyle Mears competed in the Angel Fire Red Bull Burner, a 12-hour chairlifted downhill race — and he rocked! Kyle placed 17th in Pro. Way to go!
Photo gently borrowed from The guy in the photo probably isn't Kyle. I mean, I just thought it was a cool image, and it was the same race, so I, um, borrowed it. Kyle! Send me photos!!

After a fun weekend of racing, Kyle's back in Moab and ready to shuttle you and your pals to the best trails Moab has to offer.

Call Acme today! 435-260-2534


Unknown said...

By the way, where is this place? surely its very refreshing there.

airport taxi pdx

QkaMode said...


QkaMode said...

trims all
have nice day
and thanks for sharing